Shamiso Makani
Shamiso Makani is a 40-year-old lady residing at number 27 Ivene Gweru with her mother. Client is into retail, She has a flea market operating at Global village flea market shop number 45 and table 21, Client’s business focuses more on men’s clothing. Mrs Makani noted that she has been in this business for more than 11years now. The client runs the business with the help of two employees. She makes her orders from Zambia and Mozambique. Shamiso received a loan from the bank, she managed buy more stock and open a shop at Africa Mall building in Gweru.
Otilia Ndume
Otilia Ndume is a married lady who resides at number 1542 Nyaradza in Gokwe. Client has a poultry project keeping broilers and she is operating at her home. Client noted that she makes her orders from Kwekwe town. She sales her birds to restaurants at Gokwe centre and to nearby neighbours. Client noted that she has been in this business for 3 years. Otilia has approached the bank with a loan request which enabled her to purchase 100 broiler chicks and the feeds needed.